Archive for Davide Careglio

D1.3 – Knowledge Management Guide

Knowledge Management Guide

This deliverable describes the procedures for knowledge management in the LIGHTNESS project. The scope of this guide ranges from the identification and access to the required background up to the newly generated foreground in the project. The key objective is to define a methodology that can grant a fair and nondiscriminatory access to all partners in the project. The deliverable also focuses on the roles of the different involved parties and the strategies to solve any potential dispute among the partners.

D1.2 – Project Quality Insurance Manual

Project Quality Insurance Manual

The Quality Assurance Manual is designed to provide a common framework for effective documentation, deviation identification and correction, and software development throughout the project. Moreover, it is intended to complement the information provided in other project documents such as the Description of Work and the Consortium Agreement: therefore repetitions of information already contained in those documents will be avoided if possible.

D1.1 – Project Reference Manual

Project Reference Manual

The objective of this deliverable is to provide a reference manual for the LIGHTNESS project, by identifying the main goals and activities to be carried out. Moreover it aims to provide to the LIGHTNESS partners a common understanding of methods and certain project procedures, to fulfil the contractual obligations with the European Commission.

This report will also guide all beneficiaries in order to reduce project overhead and increase efficiency, providing a common framework for the daily operation of the project. Therefore it is an important document that shall be used as a tool for frequent consultation.

This document defines internal communication guidelines and introduces the collaborative workspaces and tools. Finally, it provides useful information regarding the project reporting process.

Kick-off meeting @ Pisa

LIGHTNESS partners participate to the Kick-off meeting on November 14-15, 2012, held in Nextworks S.L., Pisa, Italy.

LIGHTNESS factsheet

LIGHTNESS factsheet describes briefly the project and its objectives.

10th FP7 Concertation Meeting

To sustain and develop a vibrant research community, the European Commission facilitates cooperation between projects, organises and supports regular events to keep a constant interaction with its stakeholders, in particular EU projects of the three clusters: Future Internet Architectures and Network Management Technologies – FI Cluster, Radio Access and Spectrum – RAS Cluster and Converged and Optical Networks – CaON Cluster.

LIGHTNESS presents the project at the Future Networks 10th FP7 Concertation Meeting, held in Brussels, on 10-11 October 2012.