Archive for Public deliverables

Deliverable D4.3

This deliverable describes the LIGHTNESS network control plane interfaces specification, as a result of the architectural investigations and control plane interfaces design

Deliverable D4.2

The aim of this deliverable is to report the OpenFlow protocol extensions that have been designed to implement the LIGHTNESS southbound interface functionalities.

Deliverable D3.2

This document presents the results of the implementation and experimental evaluation of the hybrid data plane deployed in LIGHTNESS.

Deliverable D3.1

This document presents the architecture of the LIGHTNESS data plane that will be implemented in the context of the WP 3 research activities.

D6.3 – First year report on dissemination, standardization and exploitation activities

First year report on dissemination, standardization and exploitation activities
This deliverable reports the dissemination, standardization and exploitation activities carried out during the first year.

D4.1 – Control Plane Architecture

Control Plane Architecture
This document presents the LIGHTNESS control plane functional split, based on the Software Defined Networking architecture, providing a description of the architecture model and supported procedures. It also includes a possible deployment scenario where the LIGHTNESS control plane cooperates with end-to-end cloud orchestration and control functions for the provisioning of inter data centre network services in distributed cloud scenarios.

D2.2 – Architecture Design

Architecture Design
This document presents the LIGHTNESS Data Centre Network (DCN) architecture that aims at addressing the requirements and challenges coming from the emerging data centre and cloud distributed applications, mainly in terms of ultra-high bandwidth, high performance, flexibility, scalability, programmability and low-complexity.

D1.3 – Knowledge Management Guide

Knowledge Management Guide

This deliverable describes the procedures for knowledge management in the LIGHTNESS project. The scope of this guide ranges from the identification and access to the required background up to the newly generated foreground in the project. The key objective is to define a methodology that can grant a fair and nondiscriminatory access to all partners in the project. The deliverable also focuses on the roles of the different involved parties and the strategies to solve any potential dispute among the partners.

D1.2 – Project Quality Insurance Manual

Project Quality Insurance Manual

The Quality Assurance Manual is designed to provide a common framework for effective documentation, deviation identification and correction, and software development throughout the project. Moreover, it is intended to complement the information provided in other project documents such as the Description of Work and the Consortium Agreement: therefore repetitions of information already contained in those documents will be avoided if possible.

D6.2 – Dissemination, standardization and exploitation plan

Dissemination Standardisation Exploitation plan
This document reports the plan designed for the dissemination, standardization and exploitation of the LIGHTNESS projects technical results.